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Watervale School Enjoys Local History


Watervale School students recently spent time enjoying local history.

Mt Horrocks Society member Leonie Moore held a ‘Walks and Talks’ tour of historical sites in Watervale. Students, teachers, parents and community members attended.

Leonie described the mounting steps in the main street and how they were used.

Teacher Alison Burford stood on the veranda of her father’s house and described its days as a Blacksmiths shop.

Warwick Duthy showed the group through the Watervale Hotel and talked about the life of the local aboriginal people and how Watervale was used as a place for birth, food and reconnection.

What the students found most interesting was a photo album of school photos which was in the collection in the Watervale Institute.

Then a few days later several students with their teacher Jo Tilley visited the Horrocks Cottage.

Wendy and David Spackman along with Gypsey Sandow entertained the group with the story of John Horrocks, his expedition, his life in Penwortham and the building of the cottage. The students particularly enjoyed siting on the camel saddle.

Gypsey Sandow, Teacher Jo Tilley, Wendy Spackman and David Spackman with Watervale School Children at The Horrocks Cottage Penwortham

MHHS Wendy Spackman recounts the story of John Horrocks to the children

Trying out the Camel saddle

MHHS member Leonie Moore showing Students, parents and community members the collection of old photos in the Watervale Institute.

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